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War on the Ukraine: Oil Matters

There's more to #UkraineRussiaWar: someone's after something. The resources of the Dnieper-Donets, maybe?

"L'argent est le nerf de la guerre", celle-ci n'est pas une exception

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The Dim Age

The more we progress, the greater the risk of a devolution into a #DimAge Already, our own #technology is growing too complex for us to understand or manage, and scales up faster than our own understanding can keep up.

Trade & Choke Points: Bab-El-Mandab

In todays’ world, transport choke points are unavoidable, a feature of an unsustainable, #globalized world.

The #RedSea passage #BabElMandab is one of those, critical because of the #MiddleEast's central importance to the world's #EnergyEconomy

December 10, 2023
Decisions: System v Outcome

The push to #JustStopOil at #cop28 illustrates the ignorance of physical limits of some in #Climate negotiations.

Designers build a system, mindful of the physical limits of our world. Non-Engineers often forgets reality; just the outcome matter

December 12, 2023
Outcome v Systems

Agree to the rich world's desired outcome, before building the systems that made it rich? You get one form #CarbonColonialism

Then again, too much of a system focus, you get the excesses of the gilded age.

Better a Failed State...

Better a #FailedState than a crazy kingdom.

A failed state is like a broken clock; it is broken, but may still be right twice day. On the other hand, a crazy kingdom is like an off clock; if it is off by 5%, it is only right once every 10 days.

...In addition, in a failed state, you and your community stand a chance to grow and succeed; the crazy king can't easily reach you, unlike in our modern anarcho-tyranny

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February 25, 2023
αν αρχηγός

A real #SmartCity starts from the Bottom-Up. Think of a town with 3 circles; a circle of control, influence, and concern.

With new Technologies & Common sense, we can have more control, more influence, & fewer concerns. #sustainability starts with the home, not the city, not the state.

I explore the rationale in my book, but that's the "cliff notes version"

αν αρχηγός...

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